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For added security, a method to hook into the SDKs WKWebView Authentication Challenge Handler is provided. With this you can implement things like SSL Pinning to ensure you can trust your end to end connections. An example of this has been provided in the example project and in the snippet below using TrustKit. In this handler you must return whether or not you have handled the challenge yourself (have called the completionHandler) by returning true
, or if you wish to fall back to the default handling by returning false
This technique is supported on both the checkout versions, and the widget.
Afterpay.setAuthenticationChallengeHandler { challenge, completionHandler -> Bool in
let validator = TrustKit.sharedInstance().pinningValidator
return validator.handle(challenge, completionHandler: completionHandler)
typedef void (^ CompletionHandler)(NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition, NSURLCredential *);
BOOL (^challengeHandler)(NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *, CompletionHandler) = ^BOOL(
NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *challenge,
CompletionHandler completionHandler
) {
TSKPinningValidator *pinningValidator = [[TrustKit sharedInstance] pinningValidator];
return [pinningValidator handleChallenge:challenge completionHandler:completionHandler];
[APAfterpay setAuthenticationChallengeHandler:challengeHandler];