Checkout V3

Table of contents

Checkout V3 is currently available in the following region(s): US, UK, Australia and Canada

Checkout Version 3 generates a one-time payment card for every Afterpay order and provides the card number to insert into your credit card checkout. This allows for a front-end-only integration. The one-time payment card is Visa for the US, UK, and Canada. In Australia the one-time payment card is Mastercard.

How it works

The transaction uses a one-time virtual payment card, which has a unique card number. Once the virtual card exists, you use it to handle authorization, capture, and refunds. Your integration is simplified, as you don’t have to integrate with additional endpoints.

Always set V3 Configuration before presentation, otherwise you will incur an assertionFailure. See the Set Configuration section below.

Set the V3 Configuration

  1. Set the configuration as follows:
         shopDirectoryMerchantId: "your_merchant_id",
         region: .US,
         environment: .production
  2. Present the checkout modally:
     over: viewController,
     consumer: Consumer(email: ""),
     orderTotal: OrderTotal(total: 100, shipping: .zero, tax: .zero),
     items: [ Product(name: "coffee") ] 
    ) { result in
     switch result {
     case .success(data: let data):
       /// The virtual card details
       /// The time before which an authorization needs to be made on the virtual card.
       /// The collection of tokens required to update the merchant reference or cancel the virtual card
     case .canceled(reason: let reason):
       // Handle checkout cancellation
  3. Optionally, if you do not have an order number (merchantReference) at the time of launching the Afterpay V3, you will use the Afterpay.updateMerchantReferenceV3 method to associate the order with the tokens.
      /// Updates Afterpay's merchant reference for the transaction represented by the provided `tokens`.
      /// - Parameters:
      ///   - merchantReference: A unique ID identifying the transaction.
      ///   - tokens: The set of tokens returned after a successful call to `Afterpay.presentCheckoutV3Modally`.
       with: "merchantReference", 
       tokens: data.tokens
     ) { [weak self] result in
       switch result {
       case .success: 
         // This endpoint returns a 204, so no response body
       case .failure(let error):
         // Handle failure 

Sequence Diagram

The below diagram describes the happy path.

  participant App
  participant Afterpay SDK
  participant Afterpay API
  Note over App,Afterpay API: Setup
  App->>Afterpay SDK: Configure the SDK
  App->>Afterpay SDK: Launch the checkout
  Note over App,Afterpay API: Consumer confirms Afterpay checkout
  Afterpay SDK-->>App: Checkout result
  App->>App: Handle response
