Checkout V2

Table of contents

Checkout version 2 allows you to load the checkout token on demand via didCommenceCheckout while presenting a loading view. It also supports express checkout features and callbacks which can either be handled in line or via a checkout handler object.

Two requirements must be met in order to use checkout v2 successfully:

  • Configuration must always be set before presentation otherwise you will incur an assertionFailure.
  • When creating a checkout token popupOriginUrl must be set to The SDK’s example merchant server sets the parameter here. See more at by checking the api reference. Failing to do so will cause undefined behavior.

The following examples are in Swift and UIKit. Objective-C and SwiftUI wrappers have not been provided at this time for v2. Please raise an issue if you would like to see them implemented.


Known checkout related errors that are handled within the web implementation of checkout are logged using os_log using the debug log type for use when debugging.

Swift (UIKit)

A standard checkout implemented with v2 loads the token on demand.

  over: viewController,
  didCommenceCheckout: { completion in
    // Load the token passing the result to completion
  completion: { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let token):
      // Handle successful Afterpay checkout
    case .cancelled(let reason):
      // Handle checkout cancellation

An express checkout can make use of callbacks and options to provide a richer checkout experience. For more information on express checkout please check the API reference.

  over: viewController,
  options: CheckoutV2Options(buyNow: true),
  didCommenceCheckout: { completion in
    // Load the token passing the result to completion
  shippingAddressDidChange: { address, completion in
    // Use the address to form a shipping options result and pass to completion
  shippingOptionDidChange: { shippingOption, completion in
    // Optionally update your application model with the selected shipping option
    // To update the shipping method, pass in a shippingOptionUpdate object to
    // completion, otherwise pass nil
  completion: { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let token):
      // Handle successful Afterpay checkout
    case .cancelled(let reason):
      // Handle checkout cancellation

If you wish to handle these callbacks separately to presentation you can do so by implementing a handler object.

final class CheckoutHandler: CheckoutV2Handler {
  func didCommenceCheckout(completion: @escaping CheckoutTokenResultCompletion) {
    // Load the token passing the result to completion

  func shippingAddressDidChange(address: ShippingAddress, completion: @escaping ShippingOptionsCompletion) {
    // Use the address to form a shipping options result and pass to completion

  func shippingOptionDidChange(shippingOption: ShippingOption, completion: @escaping ShippingOptionCompletion) {
    // Optionally update your application model with the selected shipping option

final class MyViewController: UIViewController {
  // You must maintain a reference to your handler as it is stored as a weak reference within the SDK
  private let handler = CheckoutHandler()
  // ...
  override func viewDidLoad() {

  // ...
  @objc func didTapPayWithAfterpay() {
    Afterpay.presentCheckoutV2Modally(over: viewController) { result in
      switch result {
      case .success(let token):
        // Handle successful Afterpay checkout
      case .cancelled(let reason):
        // Handle checkout cancellation

Sequence Diagram

The below diagram describes the happy path.

  participant App
  participant Afterpay SDK
  participant Proxy Server
  participant Afterpay API

  Note over App,Afterpay API: Setup

  App->>Afterpay SDK: Configure the SDK

  App->>Afterpay SDK: Setup checkout handlers

  Note over App,Afterpay API: Create checkout and Capture

  App->>Proxy Server: Get Checkout Token Request

  Proxy Server->>Afterpay API: Create Checkout Request
  Note over Proxy Server,Afterpay API: Ensure same environment<br>as Afterpay SDK config

  Afterpay API-->>Proxy Server: Create Checkout Response
  Note over Afterpay API,Proxy Server: Body contains a Token

  Proxy Server-->>App: Get Token Response

  App->>Afterpay SDK: Launch the checkout<br>with the Token

  Note over App,Afterpay API: Consumer confirms Afterpay checkout

  Afterpay SDK-->>App: Checkout result

  App->>Proxy Server: Capture request

  Proxy Server->>Afterpay API: Capture request

  Afterpay API-->>Proxy Server: Capture response

  Proxy Server-->>App: Capture Response

  App->>App: Handle response