Price Breakdown

Table of contents

The price breakdown component displays information about Afterpay installments and handles a number of common configurations.

A total payment amount (represented as a BigDecimal) must be programatically set on the component to display Afterpay installment information.

val totalAmount: BigDecimal = getTotalAmount()

val paymentBreakdown = view.findViewById<AfterpayPriceBreakdown>(
paymentBreakdown.totalAmount = totalAmount

When the breakdown component is assigned a total amount that is valid for the merchant account, the 4 installment amounts will be displayed.

Price breakdown Afterpay installments are available

When the total amount is not within the minimum and maximum payment values for the merchant account, the amounts available for Afterpay will be shown in the component.

Price breakdown Afterpay installments are unavailable

When no minimum amount is set and the total amount is greater than the maximum payment values for the merchant account, the maximum amount available for Afterpay will be shown in the component.

Price breakdown Afterpay installments are unavailable

When no payment amount has been set or the merchant account configuration has not been applied to the SDK, the component will default to a message stating Afterpay is unavailable.

Price breakdown no merchant account configuration

The Info link at the end of the component will display a window containing more information about Afterpay for the user.

Configuring the Price Breakdown

Intro Text

Setting introText is optional, will default to OR and must be of type AfterpayIntroText.

Can be any of OR, OR_TITLE, MAKE, MAKE_TITLE, PAY, PAY_TITLE, IN, IN_TITLE, PAY_IN, PAY_IN_TITLE or EMPTY (no intro text). Intro text will be rendered lowercase unless using an option suffixed with _TITLE in which case title case will be rendered.

Logo Type

Setting logoType is optional, will default to BADGE and must be of type AfterpayLogoType.

Can be either of BADGE, COMPACT_BADGE or LOCKUP. When setting color scheme on logo type of LOCKUP, only the foreground color will be applied. (See example)

val afterpayBreakdown = view.findViewById<AfterpayPriceBreakdown>(
afterpayBreakdown.logoType = AfterpayLogoType.LOCKUP
afterpayBreakdown.colorScheme = AfterpayColorScheme.MINT_ON_BLACK

Given the above, the price breakdown will contain the lockup logo and will be of color mint.

Optional Words

Setting showInterestFreeText and / or showWithText is optional and is of type Boolean.

Both default to true. This will show the text pay in 4 interest-free payents of $#.## with. Setting showInterestFreeText to false will remove “interest-free” from the sentence. Setting showWithText to false will remove the word “with” from the sentence.

val afterpayBreakdown = view.findViewById<AfterpayPriceBreakdown>(
afterpayBreakdown.introText = AfterpayIntroText.MAKE_TITLE

Given the above, the price breakdown text will be rendered Make 4 interest-free payments of $##.## with

More Info Options

Setting moreInfoOptions is optional and of type AfterpayMoreInfoOptions. This class has two constructors. The first constructor takes two parameters:

  • modalId: a string that is the filename of a modal hosted on the Afterpay static CDN.
  • modalLinkStyle: an optional value of type ModalLinkStyle. See Modal Link Style Options for more details.

The second constructor takes three parameters:

  • modalTheme: an enum of type AfterpayModalTheme with the following options: MINT (default) and WHITE.
  • isCbtEnabled: a boolean to indicate if the modal should show the Cross Border Trade details in the modal.
  • modalLinkStyle: an optional value of type ModalLinkStyle. See Modal Link Style Options for more details.

Not all combinations of Locales and CBT are available.

val afterpayBreakdown = view.findViewById<AfterpayPriceBreakdown>(
afterpayBreakdown.moreInfoOptions = AfterpayMoreInfoOptions(
    modalTheme = AfterpayModalTheme.WHITE

Given the above, when clicking the more info “link”, the modal that opens will be white in the current locale as set in configuration.

A value that can be set on moreInfoOptions when initialized. Setting this is optional and is of type ModalLinkStyle.

Available values are CircledInfoIcon, MoreInfoText, LearnMoreText, CircledQuestionIcon, CircledLogo, Custom, None. CircledInfoIcon is the default & None will remove the link altogether.

When using Custom the setContent (takes a single parameter of type SpannableStringBuilder) method should be called first (see second example below).

val afterpayBreakdown = view.findViewById<AfterpayPriceBreakdown>(
afterpayBreakdown.moreInfoOptions = AfterpayMoreInfoOptions(
    modalLinkStyle  = AfterpayModalLinkStyle.CircledInfoIcon

Given the above, the price breakdown modal link will be a circle containing a question mark.

val afterpayBreakdown = view.findViewById<AfterpayPriceBreakdown>(
val content = SpannableStringBuilder().apply {
    append("Click ")
    append("Here ", StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE)
afterpayBreakdown.moreInfoOptions = AfterpayMoreInfoOptions(
    modalLinkStyle  = AfterpayModalLinkStyle.Custom

Given the above, the price breakdown modal link will display “Click Here”.